Policy & Manual Development

The Integral Group have spent numerous years developing a suite of tools for our clients to implement new or revised policies and manuals (frameworks). These policies are customised for each client and can include high level process maps, manuals, strategies, templates and training material.

Two of the most commonly requested policy and manual developments are for procurement frameworks and project management frameworks.  Both procurement and project management is often set up to work in conjunction with one another.

  • policies are guided by legislation, funding requirements, organisational procedures and objectives
  • procurement policies outline the approach to plan, source and manage procurements & contracts throughout the lifecycle
  • project management cover the 4 key phases; initiate, plan, deliver and close
  • procurement policies utilise the paradigm of procurement and ensures our clients are attractive i.e. doing procurement well and building strong reputations with the market
  • customised to individual client needs
  • training material and workshops provided
Our Goal:
  • to set up a pathway for our clients to be self-sufficient and sustainable in this area for the long term
  • to guide successful decision making for our clients
  • less stress, more success
  • Horizons Regional Council
  • Tararua District Council
  • South Taranaki District Council
  • Central Otago District Council
  • Taranaki Regional Council
  • Whangarei District Council
  • Environment Southland
  • Greater Wellington Regional Council
  • South Wairarapa District Council
  • Rangitikei District Council
What we do:
  • policy development
  • process manual
  • procedures
  • templates
  • training material
  • workshops

We have developed a suite of supporting documents that can be used in conjunction with one another.  The below diagram shows our strategy for policy and manual development. Through our experience we have found the easiest way to get buy in within an organisation is from the top down. Alongside the policies, we will also provide supporting process documents, manuals and templates.  We will then work with our clients to set up training workshops to effectively implement new or reviewed policy.



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