Bridget Stewart

Bridget was selected as one of the first four Procurement Graduates as part of MBIE’s graduate procurement programme, which included working in numerous government agencies.

During her time at MBIE, she worked on varied projects such as:

  • Translation services
  • Printing services
  • DNA testing, and
  • Building materials.

Bridget was born and raised in Lower Hutt and attended Victoria University, studying Tourism Management.

She had a variety of part-time jobs during her studies, including managing a cafe (where she learnt to make great coffee!), event planning (including the odd wedding or two), and a five month stint in Texas after college, working at a summer camp.

Bridget has her own home in Lower Hutt and when she's not building decks or picking plums from her own tree, her other interests are:

  • Going to the movies
  • Volunteering for Diabetes Youth Wellington
  • Ballroom dancing
  • Catching up with family and friends
  • Attending operas and ballets
  • Travelling - she has so far ticked off parts of America, Australia, England, Singapore and Japan; with Europe being the next destination in sight.


Bridget additional photo for website 2    Bridget additional photo for website    Bridget additional photo for website 3

DDI:  04 239 9455

Mobile:  027 426 4048