Managing BAU and new projects in and around an LTP year.

Haven’t we all seen projects like this?!  We know firsthand the stress and pressure they can cause. Which is a timely reminder when a recent query came in asking "How can I manage the delivery of BAU and new projects in and around an LTP year?".  

Cartoon image for QOM April 2024


There is increasing pressure on council staff and contractors to deliver projects at the moment, particularly with the demands of presenting LTPs this year.  (Note that the LTP is a Council specific requirement which we have chosen to address for this Question of the Month.)
The Problem
Extra pressures on existing people and resources to deliver more with less.
The Implications
Often our workshop attendees share their concerns around not being able to deliver good outcomes to their communities due to poor project planning and delivery. The stress of this can take a toll on all aspects of both personal and professional lives.
Why now?
We’ve witnessed a lot of projects needing to be delivered at the last hour, i.e. expiring contracts only a few months away.  This is an added pressure during an LTP year, and leads to:

  • a bottleneck at delivery time
  • processes being rushed
  • compromised outcomes
  • increased stress.

How can we help?
A starting point is making sure people delivering these projects have the fundamental project management skills and techniques, based on a sound project management methodology.  Our tried and true Project Management training is also specifically targeted at councils, so will give you all the skills required at this busy time.
LTP year means a collision of delivery of business as usual and new projects from the LTP.  If you find you’re getting stuck or stressed on a project, please contact us for a chat or come along to one of our workshops – details attached here.

The TIGL team

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